
Welcome to the Drop & Render blog where we share render tips, provide updates on our service, and highlight our best 3D artists.

Hero for 'Meet Airen 4D: A New AI Render Engine by Merk'

Meet Airen 4D: A New AI Render Engine by Merk

Discover Airen 4D: Merk's AI render engine for Cinema 4D. Fast, smart, promising a creative revolution. Stay tuned for game-changing artistry

Hero for 'Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about Render Farms'

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about Render Farms

Explore essential FAQs about render farms in our blog. Learn about their benefits, pricing, optimization, and top tools for efficient 3D rendering.

Hero for 'How to Use AI and Other Platforms to Start Creating 3D Animations'

How to Use AI and Other Platforms to Start Creating 3D Animations

Here's a guide on how to improve your pre-productions for 3D animators. We will explore how to use AI and other platforms to get inspired and get the best out of ourselves

Hero for 'Maxon's 2024.1 October Release - Update'

Maxon's 2024.1 October Release - Update

Explore Maxon's October releases: Dive deep into enhanced features across Cinema 4D, Redshift, Magic Bullet, and more. From motion graphics boosts to seamless software integrations, discover how Maxon is revolutionizing the creative landscape for professionals

Hero for 'Best workstation build in 2023 for 3D animators'

Best workstation build in 2023 for 3D animators

In this article, we will provide you with the best hardware options for your workstation if you are a 3D animator. There are many options available, but how do you get the best performance for your money? Let's find out

Hero for 'ACES Color Workflow and Its Benefits for Cinema 4D Users'

ACES Color Workflow and Its Benefits for Cinema 4D Users

Aces workflow is becoming the standard color profile in the animation world. Today, we'll examine its benefits and discuss how you can set it up inside C4D for Redshift, Octane, and Arnold.

Hero for 'Why Is My Cinema 4D Project Crashing When Rendering?'

Why Is My Cinema 4D Project Crashing When Rendering?

Here are the possible solutions for when your Cinema 4D project is crashing while rendering. There is a lot that can go wrong so let's try to brake it down.

Hero for 'Cinema 4D R2024 Ready On The Farm'

Cinema 4D R2024 Ready On The Farm

Maxon just released the annual new version of Cinema 4D. This release is packed with new features and overall improvements and is now fully ready on our farm.

Hero for 'Starting with Redshift on a Render Farm: A Guide for 3D Artists'

Starting with Redshift on a Render Farm: A Guide for 3D Artists

Unlock the power of Redshift on a render farm. Dive into the pros and cons of Application Rendering vs. Standalone Rendering with Drop & Render. Boost your 3D projects now!

Hero for 'Rendering with Blender On A Render Farm - The New Revolution.'

Rendering with Blender On A Render Farm - The New Revolution.

How to use Blender on a Render farm. Our unique features, like automatic version and settings detection, upfront project checking, and auto-asset collection, ensure a seamless, one-click rendering experience.

Hero for 'Unleashing the Power of Cinema 4D with a Render Farm'

Unleashing the Power of Cinema 4D with a Render Farm

Discover how to harness the power of a render farm with Cinema 4D. Boost your 3D graphics with faster rendering times, improved scalability, enhanced productivity, and much more. Sign up now for free credits!