Cinema 4D R2024 Ready On The Farm

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Cinema 4D R2024 is Ready On The Farm.

Maxon just released the annual new version of Cinema 4D. This release is packed with new features and overall improvements.

We've worked diligently to ensure our Render Farm is fully compatible with this release. This compatibility extends to all Render Engines, such as Octane, Redshift, and others, as well as all your favorite plugins.

Check out all the plugins and render engines here.

Below are some of the top features in this release:


The 2024 release of Cinema 4D showcases a remarkable improvement in speed, being more than double its predecessors, thanks to Maxon's innovative core which prioritizes speed and performance.

Rigid Body

In this edition, the Unified Simulation System of Cinema 4D has been enriched with the Rigid Body Simulations. This enhancement means that solid objects can seamlessly interact with various simulation types present in the scene, including soft bodies, cloth, ropes, and Pyro.


Speaking of Pyro, it now furnishes artists with refined controls, enabling them to guide their simulations more closely to their envisaged outcomes. By integrating the Pyro tag with standard particle emitters, thinking particle geometries, and matrix cloners, Pyro emissions become possible. This paves the way for artists to craft cinematic sequences replete with fire, smoke trails, explosions, or even depict mesmerizing fireworks against a nocturnal backdrop. The UpRes feature further complements this by permitting artists to initiate their projects with lower resolution simulations for faster feedback during the art direction and concept phase, but later render them in optimal quality for the final product.

Vertex Normals

Cinema 4D 2024 also rolls out advanced vertex normal controls, granting artists the autonomy to fine-tune vertex and polygon normals, effectively eradicating shading anomalies.


The software’s modeling capabilities have also seen noteworthy advancements. Features like "Select Pattern" enable artists to effortlessly replicate a selection on a mesh's surface, while the "Projection Deformer" provides users with swift control to transition points between objects in any given direction.


the Node UI in this edition has undergone a significant overhaul. Beyond aesthetic enhancements, it now incorporates a "Notes" function, allowing artists to embed direct annotations within the Node Editor. This proves invaluable for documenting the intricate details of their nodal networks.

Check out the Maxon releases nodes here: Maxon Website

Now get creating and start rendering:)