This page hosts over 500+ Cinebench scores for releases R20, R23 and the brand-new 2024. Cinebench is a benchmarking tool created by Maxon that assesses the performance of a computer's CPU and GPU using real-world 3D rendering tasks. The results provide insights into a system's capability in rendering and graphics tasks.
The 2024 release now includes tests for GPUs, whereas in the past it was limited to CPU benchmarks. This new system makes use of Maxon's own render engine Redshift, and further expands Cinebench's versatility by providing measurements for 3D rendering performance.
CPU | R20 | R23 | 2024 |
The above are Multi Score benchmarks for over 500 processors. You can use the filters to refine your search or limit the number of results.
*: The score was calculated based on earlier benchmark versions. While these are less precise, they still provide a reasonable estimate of what the score might be.
GPU | R2024 | |
The above are GPU benchmark scores for Cinebench versions with GPU support, which is currently limited to the newest (2024) release. We will keep this updated as new benchmarks come out.
At Drop & Render, we use these scores used to determine the pricing for your renders. We are an official Maxon Cinema 4D Render Farm, and we maintain these scores in order to provide the most accurate estimates for your render times and costs.
If you'd like to test your own workstation, follow these steps: